Tricks Have Legs Beautiful Nails for the Holidays

Kata Motivasi Bijak - Visiting the beach or tourist vehicle may be an option for you and your family spend the Eid holiday. Either way you plan, this time off the high heels and flip the switch to the holiday. Therefore, do not let foot conditions interfere with performance. Nails are a mess because there had pedicure, dirt in the corners of the nail, or the soles of the feet are cracked to make beautiful sandals that you save for special moments, to no avail. 

Glenis Baptiste, pedicure specialist for celebrities give tips so feet stay beautiful during the holidays. Baptiste has experience creating beautiful legs to Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica-Parker, Kate Moss, and Emma Watson. The key: diligent pedicure. Kumpulan Kata Galau Kesepian Currently weekend, Baptiste suggested, take time for a pedicure at home if you do not make it to the salon. Baptiste said, if the distance is too long antarpedikur, the more hard skin around the nail that is difficult to clean. 

Begin by cleaning your simple pedicure nail polish. After that, fisted hard skin around the nail and rub the dead skin and the fingers behind the heel. It is often made ​​a rough feet and cracked. Earlier, do not forget to use a skin softener cream. Afterwards, soak feet in warm water, and repeat the process of cleaning the cuticles if necessary. Most importantly, nail clippers just after foot soaked. Therefore, it makes the nails softer and easier set up.

Stay Moist
The next important process, Kata Mutiara buat Ibu Tersayang Baptiste said, is keeping the legs still moist. Legs are hydrated to prevent dry skin and chapped. Use cream softener after completion pedicure, or every night before bed. The next day, please wake up with smooth legs. Problem nail polish, Baptiste says that there are some who are trends for this holiday. 

If you plan to use a neutral-colored footwear and plain, choose nail polish with striking colors, such as pink or yellow. could also give you the white color on the tips of the nails to look fresh and chic. Previously, make sure the nails are cut and leave little box on the end to be white paint. Kata Kata Mutiara Romantis Indah Color was inappropriate for footwear with a matching color. If you want more style, apply nail polish with a model half-moon. Brush brush crescent shape at the base of the nail. That way, it will look striking. "It will be very good for toenails. Many of my clients ask, "Baptiste said. (Ren) Source: Female First

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